The short answer is no, we have a license for limited use and are not ours to give away. This applies to photos, videos and virtual tours for any user including owners, Real Estate Agents, etc.
Why can't I use my photos, social media videos or virtual tour?
This media is licensed for a narrow scope, owned by the artist who created it. ACME & Owners have been sued in the past, for violating copyright for unlicensed use, as a result we have a policy not to provide photos, social media videos or virtual tours. We do not make exceptions to this policy for our protection, as well as your own.
But I paid for my photos?
Your fee paid part of the licensing for Acme to use the photos to market as a short term rental. The cost to ACME is quite a bit higher when you include staff time, re shoots, and staging of the property.
I'd like to post about my property on my own social media channels
You can link your property listing from the ACME website to your social media channels or share social media posts from ACME where your home is featured on your social media channels. As a result of the licensing issues noted above you may not post photos or any videos created by ACME to your social media channels as if they were your own. We have a strict policy due to copyright laws that we do not provide photos, social media videos, or virtual tours to homeowners. We do not make exceptions to this policy for our protection, as well as your own.
Case law precedent for copyright infringement is $15,000 per photo, per occurrence, minimum. Therefore this is a policy where no exceptions can be made. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any questions, please reach out to or call 760-800-0661