When do we charge owners for lost commission
Owner cancels bookings policy:
Owner cancels bookings for Good Cause:
The owner cancels bookings for good cause, to move guests. We work together to try and move guests for no cost to the owner.
- House is damaged or has a major issue requiring renovations
- Acme blocks calendar for home problem
- Acme messed up and sold outside of our policy
We should supplement to fix the financials on that reservation if
possible. The math is how much would we make? Can we move the reservation
and still make that? If not, then spend up to what we would have
made to save it, better 100% of something vs 100% of nothing.
Joc question---
- What happens during 3 strike? when we are at the final stage and start blocking their calendar for a permanent fix. Does owner pay for cancelled or relocated rez?
Owner cancels bookings for convenience.
- Owner decides to sell or decides to use the house themselves during a booking
- Owner doesn’t like what we sold a rez for but it was within policy.
Do not tell owner what the cancellation cost is, but tally it up and present it,
along with any potential downside, in a ticket, to Jocelyn if available. If not Mike Flannery can also approve.