Expensify - Uploading Receipts

Using both the phone app an email forwarding to efficiently get receipts uploaded into Expensify

Hi all, please watch the below video to learn more about how this is done


Physical Receipt Uploads 

  1. Open the Expensify App on your Phone 
  2. Login using the Google SSO option. Sign in using your acmehouseco.com email
  3. Select the Camera Icon in the bottom right corner 
  4. Take a picture of the receipt 
  5. Select the correct Category & Department for the expense to be associated to

Email Receipt Uploads 

  1. Open the Gmail App on your Phone of go to gmail.com on your desktop
  2. Find the Email Receipt
  3. Select the option to "Forward" Email
  4. Forward the Email to "receipts@expensify.com"