Breezeway- How to create a work order in

Assigning Individual Tasks

1. Go to Schedule page, and click on the '+' button in the top right corner.

2. Choose the property you would like to assign a task to, as well as the department/type of task. 

3. To create a task:

  • Priority: Determine the priority of the task (defaults to Medium)

  • Template: Choose an existing template within the department, or leave this blank for a one-off task. If no template is selected, you'll need to add a title

  • Title & Description

  • Property Element: if the task is related to an element, you can add it to track the number of tasks associated at a specific room or item at the property (this is optional).

  • Rate: Add the hourly/piece rate for your task as well as an estimated completion time. If there is a time and rate associated with a template it won't display on the fly out. Editing the time and rate for this task will only apply to this task.

  • Time & date: determine when this task is due

  • Repeating task: Choose whether the task should Repeat (on a daily, weekly, monthly, annually basis). If so, choose a start and end date. 

  • Assignees: select who should be assigned this task (default people will automatically be populated). Note: if the task is repeating, the assignee will be assigned to all future occurrences as well. We recommend scheduling repeating tasks as unassigned.

  • Photos: Add photos if necessary.

  • Service Request: Subscribe a phone number to be tied with this task so clients can receive automatic updates about the current status. Note: This is only available for clients with Breezeway Messaging)

As tasks are created, assigned, started and completed, different colors make it easy to understand the status of each task at any given time. 


Create a Task at Multiple Properties

To create a task at multiple properties:


1. Visit the properties page, and select the properties you want to create a task for.

2. Click the 'Create Task' button once you've selected the properties from the list. A fly-out will appear with the department dropdown.


3. Select: the task department/type, priority, due date.

4. You will have the option to select the Default Assignee for each property, or override those options by selecting a specific assignee. To keep the tasks unassigned, select 'Specify Assignee' and leave the Assignment section blank.