Hubspot- How to log a call

SOP: Logging Calls in HubSpot


    To effectively log calls in HubSpot CRM for accurate record-keeping and easy reference.

    Key Steps

     1. Go to Tickets and select the owner's ticket.
     3. Check if there is an existing call logged under the owner's contact name.
     4. If no call is logged, go to the owner's contact name and navigate to calls to view the call history.
     5. Click on your call with the owner and go to associations.
     6. Associate the call with the owner's ticket by adding the ticket.
     7. Close the association and go back to the ticket.
     8. Add a comment detailing the outcome of the call (e.g., no answer, voicemail left).
     9. Ensure to provide a brief summary or bullet points of the call for easy reference.
    10. Encourage others to add comments on the call for additional context

    Cautionary Notes

    - Always ensure to associate the call with the correct ticket to maintain accurate records.
    - Provide clear and concise comments to summarize the call outcome.
    - Avoid logging duplicate calls to prevent confusion in the ticket history.

    Tips for Efficiency

    - Use bullet points or a brief summary to convey the key points of the call quickly.
    - Encourage team members to follow the same format for consistency in call logging.
    - Regularly review and update call logs to keep information current and relevant.