Pool / Spa Controller Installation & Ongoing Support

This article helps to define how and why we need a Pool Controller and how we go about the installation and ongoing support for these systems

Name Cost
Aqualink  $300
Pentair Home $300

This is a brand standard for us and a "NON-NEGOTITBLE"

How do we Track Who Does & Does Not have a Pool Controller?

Pool Controller Installation

Monday.com Board - https://acmehouseco.monday.com/boards/2874564613

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  1. "Pool Remote Controller" from there you will see the statuses Done, Open, In-Progress
    1. Done - the Pool Controller has been installed and ready for Use
    2. Needs Audit - The Controller has been installed and needs our team to inspect if it was done properly and if we have access to be able to manage appropriately
    3. Scheduled -  The pool vendor has been scheduled and contracted to execute on the Pool Controller
    4. Open - We have not scheduled 
  2. "Pool System" - this is where we are going to set the system to operate according to ACME's approved and vetted Pool Operating Standards 
    1. Done - The system has been adjusted to ACME Standards 
    2. Needs Audit - The controller settings to be audited by internal team 
    3. Scheduled - we have a Breezeway work order to 
    4. Open - We have not scheduled

Pool Controller Day to Day Management

Please see Breezeway. Our policy is to turn off the the pool heating closer to the