Relocating a Guest: Property Failure

Relocating guests from a vacation rental that they have spent a lot of time and effort selecting is a stressful, delicate situation, but there are several steps you can take to handle it smoothly.

Step 1: Communicate Clearly:

  • As soon as you become aware of the unavailability of the rental, promptly communicate this to the guests. Use all available communication channels such as phone calls, text messages, and emails.  Apologize sincerely for the inconvenience and explain the reasons for the unavailability.
  • Inform the owner of the failing property of the issue at hand and that there is a possible relocation for their expected guest. 
    Inform reservations, and be sure to provide as many details on the house failure as possible. Ask the reservations team for a list of available properties and if there is a cost difference.
  • Once reservations have provided a list of available properties, review each property to ensure it is ready to host guests. 
    • Do the new properties have any ongoing issues with major components or pending items? 
    • Is the property clean? 
    • Is it near construction? 

Step 2: Relocation

  • Once reservations have provided a list of available properties, review each property to ensure it is ready to host guests. 
    • Do the new properties have any ongoing issues with major components or pending items? 
    • Is the property clean? 
    • Is it near construction? 
  • Share the provided relocation options with the guest. Inform the guest preparation of the new property can take up to 2-4 hours. (if during pool heat season, turn the pool heater on ASAP and notify guests the pool will be cold) 
  • Create an addendum, the guest must sign the addendum before relocating to the next property. See management for refund options to negotiate with guests before relocation. Inform guests there will be no further refunds as the issue is considered resolved. You may use the following verbiage and make adjustments as needed.
    • "Due to property failure, the guest agrees to relocate and the contract with ____________ is terminated"

Step 3: Assist with Logistics 

  • Assist your guests in the relocation process by helping with transportation, moving their luggage, and organizing any necessary logistical arrangements. Provide clear instructions for the check-in process at the new accommodation and ensure that there is someone available to assist the guests if needed.

Step 4: Follow-up

  • After the guests have been relocated, follow up with them to ensure they've settled in comfortably and address any further concerns or issues they may have. Express your gratitude for their understanding and cooperation during the relocation process. Offer additional support or compensation if necessary to ensure their overall satisfaction with the experience.