Follow these steps to add a PDF file in Track - Arrival Instructions - Non PC Homes
The process for uploading these and collecting the correct URL can be confusing if you've never had to deal with this in TRACK, my apologies. If you follow the steps laid out below, you should have no problem with this:Go to Press the '+ Template' button in the top-right of the screen. (You won't actually be creating a template, but this is where the File Manager is housed)
2 On the next screen, click the blue 'Attach Files' button at the bottom right.
3 A 'File Manager' window will pop up, click the 'Upload File' tab in the top-right.
4 In the 'Select File' section, click the 'choose file' button, then navigate to the PDF file you need to upload.
5 Check the 'Add to Library' box, then click the blue 'Upload File' button in the bottom-right of the pop-up window.
6 When the file has been completely uploaded, close the pop-up window if it has not closed itself, then click the blue 'Attach Files' button again.
7 You should be able to see the PDF that you just uploaded within the Documents tab of the Library in the pop-up window. Select it, then click "Select File"
8 Near the bottom of the Template page, just below the "HTML Content" field, you should see a section labeled "Attachments" that now contains the file you've uploaded. Right-click on the blue text of the filename and open it in a new tab.
9 Here, you'll see your PDF file, as well as the URL in the address bar for the location of the file in TRACK's servers. (This is the URL that you'll need to place in the "URL" field of the "Insert Link" popup window that you initially asked about.)
10 Copy the URL of the PDF in the New Tab, and paste it into the URL field of the page that you were working on, this will allow you to display the updated PDF. You can now close the New Template tab or navigate away from the page, ensuring that you do NOT save the Template. You can also close the tab displaying the PDF.